Traprock, Tracks and Brownstone
Traprock, Tracks and Brownstone
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The Geology, Paleontology, and History of World-Class Sites in the Connecticut Valley Geological Society of Connecticut Fieldtrip Guidebook No. 1
First Annual Fieldtrip - Saturday, May 1, 2010
* Introduction: The Geology of the Connecticut Valley
* The Holyoke Basalt at the Tilcon Quarry, North Branford: The geology, petrology, and history of one of the world's largest flood-basalt eruptions
* The stone that shaped America in the 19th century: The geology and history of the Portland brownstone quarries
* Window into the Jurassic World: Reconstructing ancient environments with fossils, tracks, and traces at Dinosaur State Park
ISBN: 9780942081176
Publisher: Geological Society of Connecticut
Publication date: May 1, 2010
Pages: 43